Tuesday, December 23, 2014 1 comments

Gift tags / zawieszki

W ramach przygotowań do tegorocznych Świąt powstały takie oto prezentowe zawieszki.
Before we start celebrating the Christmas Eve I have one last project to share with you. This time it's not a card but a set of tags that will go with this year gifts from me.

Sam tag to stempelek Papermani (swojego czasu dołączony do magazynu doCrafts Creativity). Do tego dodałam różne śnieżynki i zembosowałam białym pudrem. Kolorowe tła to efekt zastosowania tuszów Distress w mojej ulubionej technice - z dodatkiem wody.

Napisy to oczywiście wykrojnik Rosy Owl. Wycinałam dwukrotnie na każdy tag - w wersji białej i kolorowej. Przyklejając, lekko przesunęłam je względem siebie, co dało ładny efekt cienia.

Tagi zgłaszam na wyzwanie Rosy Owl.

The tag outline is a stamp that was a free gift with doCrafts Creativity magazine. Snowflakes are from various stampsets from my stash. All the backgrounds were done using my favourite technique - watercoloring with Distress Inks. Don't you think they look stunning?

The word dies I've used come from a polish company - Rosy Owl. Each word I die cut twice. Once from white, once from color cardstock. I've offset them a bit which gave me a cool shadow look.

I'm entering these tag for a challenge at Rosy Owl blog.

Na koniec życzę Wam rodzinnych i magicznych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia.
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2014 1 comments

Rosy Owl challenge / Wyzwanie Rosy Owl

Dzisiaj mam do pokazania dwie karteczki świąteczne, obie z wykorzystaniem mojego najnowszego nabytku - wykrojnika Rosy Owl.
Polowałam już na niego od jakiegoś czasu i końcu udało mi się go zakupić na poznańskim Festiwalu Sztuki i Przedmiotów Artystycznych.

Pierwsza karteczka to tzw "shaker card". Wykorzystałam też dwa stempelki od Agaterii.



Kolejna to kartka "sztalugowa" z ruchomą bombką. Tu wykorzystałam cudowny zestaw papierów od dpCraft, zaprojektowany przez Karolę Witczak. I srebrną, brokatową taśmę od Dekoracyjnej Taśmy. (Idealna szerokość by wyciąć z niej napisy.)

Obie te karteczki zgłaszam na wyzwanie Rosy Owl.


Above I'm showing you two cards that I'm entering for Rosy Owl challenge. Rosy Owl is a first polish company making steel dies. Check them out :)
I've also used stamp from Agateria - the penguin and wood grain from the first card and paper pack from dpCraft, designed by Karola Witczak and some decorative tape from Dekoracyjna Taśma.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014 0 comments

Robótka 2014

Jak co roku Dzieciaki-Starszaki czekają na kartki z życzeniami.
Ja biorę udział.
A Wy?


Sunday, November 16, 2014 0 comments

Yet another crafty exchange.

Jakiś czas temu umówiłam się z Gosią z Mini Filcusia na drobną wymiankę. Gosia "filcuje" niesamowite rzeczy. W jej pingwinkach i sówkach zakochałam się od pierwszego wejrzenia. I właśnie je otrzymałam w malutkiej paczuszce :)  Czyż ten pingwinek nie jest prze-uroczy? :)

As I was browsing through the web I've come across this amazing artist - Mini Filcuś. Gosia is making amazing things from wool. I've fell in love with her little penguins and owls.
With a bit of shyness I've contacted her and asked whether she would be interested in a little exchange. I would make something for her, she would made something for me. And she agreed!
So this is the cute package I've received.
Aren't they awesome?

Ode mnie Gosia zażyczyła sobie notesik z pieskiem od Tiddly Inks oraz kartkę na 50 urodziny.
Dodatkowo, skoro już miałam na wierzchu wszystkie materiały powstało parę drobiazgów pasujących do notesu,
Oby Gosi się spodobały. :)

Gosia request I would make a notebook with this little doggie from Tiddly Inks for her. And a card for a 50th birthday. 
This is what I came up with. I've also added few little gifts to go with the notebook.

By the way, for the card I've used for the first time Distress Inks to selectively color an image. Not the easiest thing to do, but I still like the result. You can see it on the car image and a bit more on the boy image below. Sorry I don't have a better photo :/

That's it for now.
Friday, November 7, 2014 0 comments


"Urodziła się w piękne jesienne popołudnie
14 listopada 1996 r o godzinie 15.15
Urodziła się z całym zespołem.
Zespołem Downa"

Tak o Jagodzie pisze mama. 
W tym roku Jagoda obchodzić będzie 18 urodziny i jak każda nastolatka z niecierpliwością czeka na ten dzień. Można jej go umylić wysyłając kartkę.

Moja kartka to połączenie matariałów z dwóch wspaniałych źródeł: stempelek z Agaterii oraz elementy z ostatniego kitu Polish Kit Project.

Stempelek odbiłam wielokrotnie i skleiłam warstwami aby nadać mu wrażenia  przestrzenności. Każda z warstw została pokolorowana Promarkerami a sukienka, buciki i kokarda odbite są na papierze z kitu.

Kitowy papier stanowi również tło kartki. I choć sam papier miał już czarne kropeczki to dodatkowo skropiłam go zawartym w kicie czarnym tuszem. 
Jak Wam się podoba efekt końcowy?


The card pictured above is a gift for a special girl for her 18th birthday.
To make it I've used material from two amazing companies - Agateria and Polish Kit Project.
I've stamped the image several times and layered it to give it some dimension. For the clothes I've used paper from the kit. Another paper I've used for the background adding a bit of black specks with the black dye (also from the kit).

How do you like the result?

Friday, October 17, 2014 0 comments

60th birthday and crafty exchange

Będąc jeszcze w CraftPartowym nastroju znalazłam informację o osobie, która na Craft Party dotrzeć nie mogła. Ponieważ miała już przygotowaną wymiankową tytkę zaproponowałam wymianę listową, na którą Tores, bo o niej mowa, ochoczo przystała.

W ten sposób stałam się właścicielką tych oto cudowności:

Trudno mi wyrazić jak bardzo mnie ucieszyła ta "malutka" paczuszka od Tores. Tyle pięknych rzeczy się w niej znalazło. I ta piękna kartka. Zazwyczaj to ja robię kartki a nie je dostaje. Bardzo miłe uczucie być po tej drugiej stronie :)

Bardzo dziękuję, Tores, i mam nadzieję, że to co ja przygotowałam również się spodobało.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the Craft Party I've found out about a girl, who couldn't attend it but had her exchange goody bag ready. I suggested our own exchange, which Tores agreed to do.
Few days later I had in my hands cute little goody bag full of even cutest little things :) There was also amazing handmade card inside. I'm usually the one making cards, not receiving them. Being on the other side was pretty amazing.
Thank you so much Tores!

Na koniec dnia dzisiejszego mam dla Was jeszcze kartkę zamówioną na 60 urodziny.
Wizja została pozostawiona całkowicie mi. Oto wynik.

Rożyczki powstały z kolorowego filcu. A biała serwetka to efekt zastosowania dwóch wygranych na Craft Party dziurkaczy marki dpCraft.
Jak Wam się podoba?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Lastly for today I have a card to share. It was requested for my friend's mother's birthday.
Little flowers are made from colorful felt and the white panel is made using the two dpCraft punches I've won at the Craft Party.


Sunday, September 28, 2014 2 comments

The Craft Party review

Jak obiecałam w poprzednim poście dziś recenzja wczorajszego Craft Party w Poznaniu.
Po pierwsze - juz teraz zapisuję się na przyszły rok :) Jeśli ktoś ma jakiekolwiek wątpliwości - rozwiewam je. Zdecydowanie warto!
Tyle wspaniałych sklepów i produktów w jednym miejscu - aż świecą się oczka.
Oto zdjęcie moich "malutkich" zakupów craftowych:
Większość rzeczy zamówiłam już przed Craft Party i odbierałam na miejscu. Pozwoliłam sobie skorzystać z promocji oferowanych w tych 4 sklepach: 
W ten sposób w moje rączki trafiły nowe zabawki: mini tusze Distress, mini aplikator tuszu i zapasowe gąbeczki, brokatowe markery Wink of Stella, zestaw zapasowych ostrzy do trymera Marty Stewart, pasta modelująca i śnieg w paście, tusze Memento, taśma dystansowa, specjalna farba akrylowa "efekt szronu" (to wynik warsztatów Craft Partowych - tak mi sie spodobały oszronione lampioniki, że choć decoupage jest mi właściwie obcy postanowiłam sama się trochę w domu pobawić) i jedna z moich wymarzonych rzeczy - tablica od We R Memory Keepers do tworzenia torebek na prezenty.

Kolejną wspaniałą rzeczą była wymiana tytek. Coż za emocje podczas otwierania wylosowanej tytki!
Jak widać zawartość mojej otrzymałą również uznanie Sheldona. I słusznie - toż to same wspaniałości. Dziękuję Michelle!
Ciekawe, czy to co ja przygotowałam spodobało się obdarowanej....

I jeszcze konkursy. Wzięłam udział w dwóch, ale pochwalić się chce jednym - konkursem organizowanym przez dpCraft. Konkursowym zadaniem było przygotowanie kartki z użyciem przynajmniej 3 dziurkaczy firmy dpCraft. Oto kartka, która przygotowałam:

Tworząc kartkę uznałam, że chce wykorzystać dziurkacze w sposób nie do końca oczywisty. I tak z kółek, dziurkacza narożnego i brzegowego (także elementów negatywnych) powstał dziecięcy wózek i grzechotka.
Wynik tak sposobał się przemiłej obsłudze stanowiska, że w moje ręce trafiła torba z produktami dpCraft - jakże wspaniałe uczucie. Bardzo dziękuję Paniom za uznanie!

Podsumowując - WSPANIALE SPĘDZONY DZIEŃ i dużo nowych zabawek tylko czekających na wolną chwilę na tworzenie!


As you know I've spend almost whole Saturday at first Craft Party in Poznań. It was an awesome day. 
I've done a lot (really a lot) of shopping - above you can find links to the stores and pictures of my craft haul.
I loved the gift bag exchange - what I get in mine was really amazing. As you can see above, my little kitty loved it too. Thank you so much Michelle!
I also want to mention one more thing - few of the stores at the Craft Party had some competitions - one of them dpCraft wanted us to make cards using at least 3 of their punches. I've did mine using punches in not exactly the obvious way. I've created stroller and a rattle using circle punches, border punch and corner punch (also negative pieces).
AND I'VE WON!! It is so amazing. I was given a bag full of dpCraft products that are now waiting for a little free time to do some crafts. Can't wait for that!! Thank you so much dpCraft team for choosing me!


Sunday, September 21, 2014 0 comments

Craf Party

Już w najbliższą sobotę niesamowite wydarzenie - pierwsze ogólnopolskie Craft Party w Poznaniu!
W planach warsztaty, pokazy make & take, wymiana tytek, konkursy i oczywiście zakupy.
Warto zerknąć, które sklepy przygotowały promocje i zniżki związane z Craft Party [klik].

Na zachętę mały przedsmak tego co znajdzie się w mojej wymiankowej tytce :) Ciekawe co znajdzie się w tej, którą dostanę w wymianie....

A w przyszly weekend (miejmy nadzieje) recenzja z imprezy :-) 


The following Saturday is going to be one incredible day. There's going to be the first polish nationwide Craft Party! Yay!

There will be craft competitions, make & take's, goodie bags exchange and of course chance for shopping! I've already done some of mine as the shops do have promotions connected with the event [click].

Above you can see a little sneak peak of what's inside the goodie bag I've prepared.
Wonder what will be in the one I'll get at the event... :)

I'm hoping to post a little review how the Craft Party went along with a little craft haul next weekend.

See you then,

Sunday, August 10, 2014 1 comments

Tiddly Inks DT call

One of my favorites digital stamp stores is having a DT call.

I've been using their stamps before. You can see one of the cards with Tiddly Ink stamps here, two others here.
For the call I created three new projects with three different stamps I already owned.

First one is not a card but a bookmark. This cute birdie stamp is so perfect for a long bookmark shape. It can be easily personalized with recipient name. I've decided to die cut the world READ and put the letter E backwards. With those little birds it looks so cute, don't you think?

Next is the card with little dogie and the balloons. I've printed them two times. One for the background, second for the main, colored, image. I've done so, so that I could put them with some foam tape and I did not have to cut out all those balloon's strings. Of course you can add some twine or embroidery floss for the string but I decided not to do so this time.

The background is done with the help of Distress Inks in Peacock Feather and Tumbled Glass.
The sentiment is from Scrapberry's stamp set.

And the last but not least one. 
This time I've decided to add a little dimension to the main image by printing it several times and then coloring different parts of it and layering it on each other. This technique gives an image an awesome 3D look but it does require some patience.
You've got to start with coloring the layer of the image that will be at the back and then move forward adding additional layers, each closer to image "front".
Is sound so complicate as I'm writing it, but it truly isn't!

For the girl's outfit I've used some red pattern paper with polka dots, however the dots were spaced too far from each other as for that small image so I added some more with white gel pen.

The snowflakes I've used for this card are Impression Obsession dies.

Tell me, which one is your favorite.

Tiddly Inks images used:


Sunday, July 20, 2014 2 comments

Spots and Dots

This is the card I've made for a Wednesday challenge at Simon Says Stamp blog.
This time the challenge was Spot and Dots. The moment I've read about this challenge I though about the ScrapBerry's stamp that I've recently purchased from FifiRifi (amazing store, with amazing customer service). 
I guess originally the stamp set is designed so that on girls hand sits a little bird, but from the beginning I was seeing there something like a sparkly, magical powder.... I suppose I've made a fairy form her. Fairy with a guitar...well...it could happen, right? :)

To make my "fairy dust" I've used glitter marker diluted with water and then flicked with a paintbrush. The circles I've die cut with MemoryBox dies: Tiny Bubbles and Contempo Circle Border. (This is how you can use the negative pieces and not only the main parts that die cuts.)

Anyway, here's the card.

the inside:

The image is colored with Promarkers.

That's it for now.
Take care,

Sunday, June 29, 2014 2 comments

Anything goes and something new

This is my card for another challenge at Simon Say Stamp.

As I'm still on sort of watercolor kick so I've created this card using this particular technique and Distress Inks (Barn Door, Peacock Feathers and Dusty Concord).

I've decided also to try something new on this card. I've tried printing on vellum and heat embossing it.
Kind of surprised that it worked but it did. All you need to do is act quickly and add embossing powder as soon as the vellum comes out of the printer. I think this is not the last time I'll be using this idea :)

Anyway to attach the vellum to the card I've used machine stitching and because this creates a nice pocket I've added few sequins to the inside. Adding few for the outside too creates fun illusion when you shake the card - as if they were moving too :) Try it.

For the inside I've used very pale splotches of inks and machine stitching as well.

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, June 15, 2014 1 comments

Father's Day

This is the card I've made for my Dad for Father's Day, which in Poland is on June 23rd.

Also I'm putting it for a challenge at Simon Says Stamp blog, which for this week was STENCIL IT:)

I've used the brick stencil with structure paste first and then added watercolor layer with Distress inks. Because my structure paste was porous it wasn't resisting the inks but grabbing them as the normal paper would. Or actually even more as the layer was risen. 
Any way, it gave quite cool effect. It went perfect with my idea of putting die cut tools and the word Dad (pl. tata) as in a kind of workshop.
I didn't have black brads so I've used some black embossing powder on the copper ones - came out exactly how I wanted them :)

Hope you've had a great weekend.


Sunday, June 1, 2014 1 comments

May mail call at KWerner

This time I wanted to show you a card I've made for Kristina Werner's birthday and May mail call at her blog.
She's one of the most talented crafters I know. If you don't know her yet (how is that even possible? :)) please go and check her blog.
I do hope my card reached her on time and in good condition.
Anyway, here it is:

The background is made using the technique that I know thanks to Kristina - watercoloring with Distress Inks. I've also went over it with water mixed with mica powder through the cloud stencil.

This cute little stamp is from Tiddly Inks (Flying High Anna Belle). I colored it with watercolor markers to match the background.

Here's how the inside of the card looks like:

Also I'm putting this card for Anything Goes challenge at Simon Says Stamp blog.


Sunday, May 18, 2014 1 comments

Mother's Day and felt flowers

I've made this card for my Mom for Mother's Day (which in Poland is on May 26th).
The idea was to make the whole white, using the colors only for flowers, allowing them to pop.

To make the all-white card interesting I've needed to use a lot of texture and dimension. For the background I've used translucent structure paste over stencil. And for the rest of the card I've used lots of die cut layers both from cardstock and vellum.

Now this flowers are my newest addiction. They're so fun to make and look so cute. I saw them a while ago on Jennifer McGuire blog (and, of course, I can't find the post right now :-/) and loved the idea so much that I needed to try them myself. Now I have full box of them ready to be changed into hair accessories or card embellishments.

Also, I like to enter this card for the challenge at Simon Says Stamp blog. Challenge was to use dies. My card uses Nellie's Choice circle dies and Joy Crafts flower dies.
The sentiment is a combination from two stamps from Agateria.

Hope you like it.